ENGL214 - How deep are we as human?

Out of the frame, where no boundaries, without any specific beginning or a dated end, this letter decided to be existed. In fact, this letter was not be written if I did not enroll English 214, which is delightfully or sadly the last English course in my whole undergraduate program. English 214 let me encounter a set of new faces, personalities, stories, but actually, they are not effective changing tool that can alter your current human existence to another level of feeling this world, and perceive how deep and complicated we are as a part of the whole universe.

However, one element of that whole course truly changed a missed point inside me, taught me how human can be a human! and why he should be in the first place? that element basically was the instructor of that course. But what especial about him? basically, I spent three years in university and I have never met someone who can be human as much as him. Why? Oh, a lot to say! but when I felt that it is the end, he always was there teaching me that it is only the beginning. When I felt failed, he was always giving me the impression of my being one of his best students, while I am not. When I found myself in a deep pool, depression surrounds me everywhere, he could pick me up by just understanding what I am going through without any single question! and that reflects his behavior toward students who missed an exam, or even an important submission, where I did miss such a submission and an exam, and all what he did that he understood the situation without any question and let me resubmit, and take the exam! such a thing can not happen in my university frequently, and to be honest on my whole life too, where you find a human, real human, who can exceed non-human limits, understanding others without being nosy.

With all of the chances he gave, I learned how important to understand others' feelings and what they are going through, their failure, weakness, and falling, where then we should attempt to help them even by just a look, or a word. That what Simon does, not only with me, and that what I discovered later, but with a lot actually. Therefore, I would honestly say thank you, Simon, for such an experience during this summer class. And I am so sorry I could not do all my best in this course, truly sorry.


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